Who We Are

The skills of the partners of MAGI Mediation/Arbitration Group Inc. have been honed by three lifetimes of experience dealing with real life issues and problems. In their successful careers working with people, organizations and governments, they have confronted some of the most challenging issues facing individuals and society today. They share a deep commitment to seeking the win-win and resolving conflicts ethically and as amicably as possible.

Brian Skabar

Brian Skabar

Brian Skabar has negotiated on both sides of the labour/management divide. He has visited every First Nation community in the Atlantic Provinces and Manitoba during his long career with Indian Affairs and Health Canada. He knows intimately the functioning of government departments, boards, commissions and agencies in Nova Scotia.
Meet Brian Skabar…

Gary Ramey

Gary Ramey

Gary Ramey, Ph.D. has taught at all levels of the education system, from public school to post-secondary, and in the private sector. He’s an unconventional thinker with high ethical standards and stellar communication skills. He has had a long business career as well as experience in the performing arts and government.
Meet Gary Ramey…

Maurice Smith

Maurice Smith

Hon. Maurice Smith, QC has mediated and negotiated hundreds of family and criminal cases in his law career with the Nova Scotia Legal Aid Commission, while also managing staff and dealing with workplace conflicts. He has taken his conflict resolution and consensus building skills all the way to the Provincial Cabinet table.
Meet Maurice Smith….

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